Saturday, November 28, 2009

On Union St Between 5th and 6

Actually in front of the "Union Hall" bar. I guess everyone coming out of the pub last night cleaned it up with their shoes.

Actually in front of the "Union Hall" bar

Friday, November 27, 2009

In front of the CitiBank on 7th Ave & President St

Looks like 2 different dog owners left their poop. Often vendors sell stuff in front of the bank. Notsomuch.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My letter to the Prospect Park Alliance (Update)

This morning at 8 am I met some friends at Grand Army Plaza to do some jogging in Prospect Park. Not wanting to get separated we decided to run on the paths around the fields. We stayed on the road past the Long Meadow. There were hundreds of off leash dogs there. It would have been impossible to jog around that path and it would have been imaprotate on our part. This was a place for off leash dogs, nothing else.

So we jogged over the the ball fields were dogs are not allowed. This was a problem, there were about 50 dogs on the ballfields and the paths that surround them. About half of them were off leash, many were on leashes that were well over 10 feet long.

There are ample signs about leashes and dogs on the ballfields, but so many dog owners thing the rules do not apply to them. Many dogs were running across the path with no owner is sight. Dogs were also allowed to defecate on the grass. Later children will play sports on that same grass.

Who is responsible for enforcing the leash law in Prospect Park?

Thank you in advance

Winston Smith

I got a responce

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Off-leash hours are from 5 – 9am and 9pm – 1am in the Long Meadow, Nethermead and Peninsula Meadow, so 8am is ok, but they should not be in the road itself (Center Drive) off-leash. In addition, dogs are not allowed on the ballfields themselves and must be on a leash 6’ or shorter during non off-leash hours.

I will forward your email to our Chief and Deputy Chief of Operations for Prospect Park and ask that this matter be looked into.

Thank you for your interest in Prospect Park.

Emails, phone calls and letters might get some enforcement.